Writing Within Your Programs
It may be a good idea to map out where writing instruction is taking place within your department’s programs. I say “may” for a couple of reasons. One, your department may be small, with just a couple of programs, and you all already know who is teaching the students what with regards to writing within the discipline. Two, it simply may not be cost effective to do so, as your faculty are already heavily burdened. Even so, it may be something to plan for. Mapping out where your students are learning how to write as professionals within the discipline can also be useful for accreditation and other vetting and recognition processes.
Your department may also want to know how well your majors are developing as future professional writers-within-the-discipline. The Writing Across the Curriculum committee can help you design assessment.
If you’re interested in this type of mapping and/or writing assessment, we can help co-process the process. Let us know.